Published on 06/18/2018 8:22 am

Commercial & Residential Roofing

While serving the same ultimate purpose, there are key differences between commercial and residential roofing. As such, when you begin to research contractors, one of the first questions potential roofers will ask is whether you are contracting for a commercial or residential project. From design and structural elements to materials and even cost, the differences between commercial and residential projects are manifold.Checkout residential roofing for more info

First, the structural needs of a commercial roof are different than a residential roof. Obviously, commercial roofs may be considerably larger - imagine the size of a roof on a shopping mall compared to the size of the roof on your house and you'll get the picture. In addition, the load requirements, fixtures, and even materials will vary significantly between commercial and residential roofs. For example, commercial roofs must have a larger load-bearing capacity than residential roofs often just

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